Sunday, May 9, 2010


Hi my name is Cain I am 10 years old I go to Wang west P.S I am in grade five[5] I am a game expert, I am interested in astronomy and space facts.

I am also wishing to be a scientist. My first experiment is making the strongest material EVER! but how will I do that? OK so this is how it I'm gonna do it.

1. I put a nugget of adamant in my mass heater.
2. I turn it up to as much as I need too melt the adamant.
3. then after the adamant has been melted I add a cube of titanium.
4. put it in with the adamant and do the same from 1 and 2.
5. then I will carefully [and somehow] pour it into my mass cooler and freeze them together.
6. next I must take them out when they are solid then I study them and see of I have created a new material. Then just for fun I'll try to smash it, or at least crack it.

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